Folies Bergère Poster

folies bergere posterLucien Baylac (1851-1913), Folies Bergère, Miss Mabel Love, 1895. Lithographic poster. Graphic Arts Collection GAX in process

The French draughtsman Lucien Baylac (1851-1913) has been referred to as the successor to designer Jules Chéret (1836-1932), along with many others. Chéret’s enormous lithographic posters were wildly successful in Parisian society and by 1881, he was able to transfer the responsibility of his shop to Chaix & Company. Conveniently located on the rue Bergère, Chaix became Baylac’s printer and together, they produced a number of posters for the Folies Bergère. In particular, Baylac designed two featuring the British actress Mabel Love (1874-1953) during her 1895 season performing in Paris.

One of Baylac’s rare 1895 posters was recently found in our vault and gently unrolled by our paper conservator. It will join eight other fin de siècle theater posters already identified in our collection.

folies bergere poster3                    folies bergere poster2

100 years of posters of the Folies Bergère and music halls of Paris [compiled by] Alain Weill (London: Hart-Davis MacGibbon, 1977). Rare Books: Theatre Collection (ThX) Oversize ML1727.8.P2 O58 1977bf

Paul Derval, The Folies Bergère; translated from the French by Lucienne Hill. With a pref. by Maurice Chevalier (New York: Dutton, 1955). Mendel Music Library (MUS) ML1727.8.P17 D4
