Severo Sarduy list

Kamel Ouidi, Portrait of Severo Sarduy, ca. 1980. Gelatin silver print. Graphic Arts Collection GA 2012.02149


Our collection of visual art by poet, playwright, and novelist Severo Sarduy (1937-1993) has received so much attention in the past month, we are posting a PDF of the collection with images and call numbers to make patron requests easier. sarduy list with call numbers.

This can, of course, be searched through our online catalogue but given the abstract nature of these works and the lack of any individual titles, the list might prove more helpful.

The collection came to Princeton University with the assistance of the Executive Committee for the Program in Latin American Studies in 2011. Also included are artifacts from his studio, along with several works by his friends Roland Barthes, Jorge Camacho, and José Luis Cuevas.


Severo Sarduy (1933-1996), Triptyque I, II, III, 1990. Gouache, watercolor, coffee, and various other mediums. Graphic Arts Collection GA 2012.02170