Sangue de poveri cavato per mano degli Arabi moderni

mitelli1Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (1634?-1718), Sangue de poveri cavato per mano degli Arabi moderni [Blood of the poor gouged by the hands of modern Arabs], 1699. Etching. Graphic Arts Collection GA2014-in process

In this Italian satire, Arabian doctors are performing a bleeding on poor Italians but instead of blood, it is money that they are collecting. Mitelli made a number of satirical prints but unfortunately, he is not as well known in the United States as English or French caricaturists. This is the first print by Mitelli to enter the Graphic Arts Collection and the only other example of the artist’s work on campus is the 1690 print in the Cotsen Library “Gioco della pontica assediata da smaniosi gatti [Game of the castle besieged by cats]” (Item no 6526643).

mitelli2Sotto questa inhumana cerusia / L’afflitta povertĂ  languisce e suiene, / Volendo i Professor d’Arte siria / D’altrui sangue arrichir le proprie uene


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