James Gillray online catalogue


James Gillray (1757-1815), Blowing up the Pic Nic’s; – or – Harlequin Quixotte attacking the puppets. Vide Tottenham Street Pantomime, 1802. Graphic Arts Collection GA 2008.01079.

Jim Sherry writes, “Now that I am retired from AT&T, I am returning to my interest in caricature, but using the skills and knowledge I acquired in my work life to reach what I hope will be a more general audience.” In honor of the anniversary of the British caricaturist James Gillray, Sherry has mounted an online catalogue raisonne, with an index to many of the leading institutional collections of these prints. Several collections will be a surprise to those who only use the British Museum’s collection.  http://www.james-gillray.org/index.html

“So the site you see before you is solely designed, produced, and written by me,” Sherry continues. “Its mistakes, limitations, and omissions are likewise my responsibility. But in the spirit of Bell Labs, I hope that it inspires and facilitates further research on an amazing and under-rated artist, James Gillray. . . . The following catalogue is an attempt to address that problem. Here you can find a listing of all the prints attributed to James Gillray, satiric or otherwise, in what I believe is their proper chronological order.

Launched on June 1st, 2015, the 200th anniversary of Gillray’s death, Sherry asks other enthusiasts to help proof and enhance his site. He requests that anyone interested “feel free to contact me with corrections or suggestions.” Congratulations on his good work.

Jim Sherry