Please . . . Get there and back! 1943. Graphic Arts Collection GC156 World War Posters Collection
In conjunction with Brett Tomlinson’s wonderful PAW post on Princeton’s Monuments Men: http://blogs.princeton.edu/paw/2014/01/throwbackthursd_16.html#.UvPbfrS0R8E, here are a few books you might want to read after seeing the movie.
Akinsha, Konstantin. Beautiful loot: the Soviet plunder of Europe’s art treasures. New York: Random House, c1995. Firestone Library (F) N8795.3.G3 A39 1995
Allied Military Government. Division of Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives. Collection of German letters and memoranda pertaining to confiscation of European art treasures, secured by 1st Lt. James J. Rorimer, G-5 Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Officer, Seventh Army, from Dr. Schiedlausky and Bruno Lohse …. [n.p.] 1945. RECAP: Marquand Lib. use only. N6750 .A42
Allied Military Government. Division of Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives. Final report[s] …[n.p.] 1945-46. RECAP: Marquand Lib. use only. Oversize N81 .A43q
Brey, Ilaria Dagnini, 1955- The Venus fixers: the remarkable story of the Allied soldiers who saved Italy’s art during World War II. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. Firestone Library (F) N6911 .B74 2009
Edsel, Robert M. Saving Italy: the race to rescue a nation’s treasures from the Nazis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, c2013. Firestone Library (F) D810.A7 E234 2013
Harclerode, Peter, 1947- The lost masters: the looting of Europe’s treasure houses. London: Gollancz, 1999. Annex A, Forrestal: N9160 .H37 1999
Howe, Thomas Carr, 1904- Salt mines and castles; the discovery and restitution of looted European art. Indianapolis, New York, The Bobbs-Merrill Company [1946] Annex A, Forrestal: N6750 .H83
Rousseau, Theodore, 1912-1973. The Goering collection. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Army, Office of Strategic Services, Art Looting Investigation Unit, 1945. Marquand Library (SA) Oversize Oversize N6750 .U59q
Schnabel, Gunnar, 1962- The story of Street scene: restitution on Nazi looted art: case and controversy. Berlin: Proprietas, 2008. Firestone Library (F) ND588.K4 A76 2008
The recovery of stolen art: a collection of essays / edited by Norman Palmer. London: Kluwer Law International, c1998. Marquand Library (SA) KD1225 .R43 1998
Yeide, Nancy H., 1959- Beyond the dreams of avarice: the Hermann Goering collection. Dallas, Tex.: Laurel Publishing, 2009. Marquand Library (SA) N5267.G67 Y45 2009

Stevan Dohanos (1907-1994), Award for careless talk. Don’t discuss troop movements, ship sailings, equipment, 1944. Graphic Arts Collection GC156 World War Posters Collection