You can’t turn the page of a book that is still burning.

mexican revolution poster1Attributed to Sebastián Larraín Saá, No se Puede Dar Vuelta la Página de un Libro que Sigue Ardiendo = You can’t turn the page of a book that is still burning, no date [2013]. Stenciled poster. Graphic Arts Collection, acquired with the assistance of the Program in Latin American Studies.

September 11, 2013, marked the 40th anniversary of the Chilean military coup led by Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), which overthrew the socialist President Salvador Allende (1908-1973). Three of the many posters that commemorated the event have been acquired by the Graphic Arts Collection at Princeton University.

mexican revolution poster3Attributed to Sebastián Larraín Saá, Con memoria subterráneanente avanza nuestra historia. Identidad / memoria a 40 años del golpe ni perdón ni olvido.= With memory our history advances underground.  Identity/memory forty years after the coup, neither forgiveness nor oblivion,
no date [2013]. Stenciled poster.
Graphic Arts Collection acquired with assistance from the Program in Latin American Studies.

“On 11 September 1973, Pinochet oversaw a fierce aerial bombardment of the presidential palace. The Socialist President, Salvador Allende, committed suicide rather than surrender. His death marked the start of a brutal 17-year dictatorship. The government estimates that 3,095 people were killed during Pinochet’s rule, including about 1,200 who were forcibly “disappeared”. Pinochet died under house arrest in 2006 before he could stand trial on charges of illegal enrichment and human rights violations.”–Associated Press

mexican revolution poster2Sebastián Larraín Saá, La Dictadura aún dura. La misma constitución, educación, salud, empleo, represión, explotación. La misma mierda = The Dictatorship still lasts. The same constitution, education, health, employment, repression, exploitation. The same shit, 2013. Stenciled poster.
Graphic Arts Collection acquired with assistance from the Program in Latin American Studies.