Diploma Scherzoso

The Graphic Arts Collection recently acquired this satirical diploma or certificate from the University of Big Noses. Note the empty spaces where we can fill in your name, should it apply.

The document states, it has come to our attention that certain people are carrying inappropriate noses on their faces. All such men and women are to go to the town square (Piazza Bottom), where disproportionate schnozzolas will be ground down to size.

The etcher is Pietro Ridolfi, who was active between 1710 and 1716, although this print has several earlier dates.


See left: no. 1247 in Zotti Minici, Le stampe popolari dei Remondini (Vicenza: Neri Pozza, c1994). Marquand Library NE659.2 .Z677 1994

Noi Macrobio Culaccione visitatore generale dell’ Università de Nasi Grossi indecenti nappioni smisurati dinutili difformati e sproportionati auditore di male lingue e maldicenti consultore della Congregatione de Gossi, protettore de buffoni magri, &c. in Bassano per Gioseppe Remondini [18th-cent.] Quarto bifolium, each leaf 220 x 162, each inside page with one engraved plate (158 x 128 within platemarks).

See a copy that has been hand colored: http://www.lombardiabeniculturali.it/stampe/schede/H0110-16026/