Deutschland erwacht. Werden, kampf und sieg der N S D A P … ( [Altona-Bahrenfeld? Cigaretten-bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld, 1933]) Notes: “Die auswahl und künstlerische durcharbeitung der lichtbilder übernahm Heinrich Hoffmann … Der verfasser des textes ist Wilfrid Bade.” Graphic Arts GAX 2013- in process. Gift of Anson Rabinbach.

Princeton professor Anson Rabinbach, Department of History, is a specialist in modern European history with an emphasis on intellectual and cultural history. He has published extensively on Nazi Germany, Austria, and European thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His newest volume, due out any day, entitled The Third Reich Sourcebook (with Sander L. Gilman), is a collection of more than 400 documents with critical introductions. Thanks to Professor Rabinbach, we have acquired a number of rare books, the first pictured here.
Deutschland erwacht (Germany Wakes) is a collaboration between the author Wilfrid Bath and the photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, chronicling the “struggle and victory of the NSDAP” (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or Nazi Party).
The book documents the founding of the party; the Reichstag election of 20 May 1928; selections from Mein Kampf; and both public and private moments in the life of Adolf Hitler along with much more. One highlight is the panorama at the back depicting a massive rally in 1933 at Luitpoldhain.
Our sincere thanks to Prof. Rabinbach and to Elizabeth Bennett, Librarian for History and History of Science, who coordinated the gift.