Henry Fenn (1845-1911), Street Scene, no date. Pen and ink on paper. Graphic Arts Collection GA 2006.02372
The watercolorist Harry Fenn (1845-1911) was born in Surrey (England) but moved to the United States in the 1863, eventually settling in Montclair New Jersey. He was a founding member of the American Watercolor Society, as well as the Society of Illustrators.
Along with this lovely pen and ink drawing of an unidentified street scene, Princeton holds 30 books illustrated by Fenn, including National Lyrics, 1865; Our Young Folks, 1865; Specimen of Designing and Engraving on Wood, 1865; Armsmear: The Home, The Arm, and The Armory of Samuel Colt. A Memorial, 1866; Ballads, Lyrics, and Hymns, 1866; National Lyrics, 1866; Flower-De-Luce, 1867; Queer Little People, 1868; Snow-Bound; A Winter Idyl, 1868; Trenton Falls, Picturesque and Descriptive, 1868; Adventures in the Wilderness, Or, Camp-Life in the Adirondacks, 1869; Ballads of New England, 1870; Little Pussy Willow, 1870; Winter Poems by Favorite American Poets, 1870; Life of Jesus, The Christ, 1871; Song of the Sower, 1871; Winter Poems by Favorite American Poets, 1871; Picturesque America; or, The Land We Live In, 1872; Story of the Fountain, 1872; Songs of Nature, 1873; Child Life In Prose, 1875; Poems, 1876; Good Old Times: Or, Grandfather’s Struggles for A Homestead, 1878; Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant, 1878; Fifty Perfect Poems, 1883; Poetical Works of T. Buchanan Read, 1883; Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard, 1884; In The Track of The Sun; Readings from The Diary of A Globe Trotter, 1893; and Niagara Book: A Complete Souvenir of Niagara Falls, 1893.