Double checking our collection today to make sure we do hold the frontispiece engraving by William Hogarth (1697-1764) often forgotten by print curators. The scene offers many deliberate examples of confused and misplaced perspectives.
“Whoever makes a Design, without the Knowledge of Perspective, will be liable to such Absurdities as are shewn in this Frontispiece.”
William Hogarth, frontispiece for John Joshua Kirby (1716-1774), Dr. Brook Taylor’s method of perspective made easy, both in theory and practice … Being an attempt to make the art of perspective easy and familiar; to adapt it intirely [sic] to the arts of design; and to make it an entertaining study to any gentleman who shall chuse [sic] so polite an amusement (Ipswich: printed by W. Craighton, for the author, 1754). Rare Books (Ex) NA2710 .K5 1754