Laughter for the Languid

With the morning mail came a question about volume 3 of a reissue (c. 1830) by S. W. Fores of Pigmy Revels (originally published in 1800-1801) under a new title: The Lilliputian Museum, or, Panoramic Representation of Pigmy Revels: Calculated to Create Joy for the Juvenile, Laughter for the Languid, Fun for the Feeble, Sauce for the Serious, and Mirth for the Melancholy: Containing Wit without Indecency, Humour without Vulgarity, Mirth without Malice, and Satire without Personality.

Does our copy (Rowlandson 1800.4) have extraneous material included? At approximately 20 feet in length, with many sections separated and/or re-taped together, it is difficult to tell but this section of two plates (below) does seem to stand along. What do you think?