Mélodies illustrées 1892-1893

Henri Gabriel Ibels (1867-1936); Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923); Georges De Feure (1868-1928); Adolphe Willette (1857-1926); and Georges Auriol (1863-ca.1938), Mélodies Illustrées. 1892-1893. Lithographic and gillotage illustrated sheet music. Graphic Arts Collection GAX 2019- in process.

A spectacular collection of French illustrated sheet music is now available in the Graphic Arts Collection: 46 with covers designed by H. G Ibels (43 in color and 3 in black and white); 33 by T. A. Steinlen (25 in color and 8 black and white); 4 in black and white by or after Adolphe Willette; 2 in color by G. De Feure, and 1 with a color cover after G. Auriol. Some covers are reproduced by lithography and some by gillotage (a relief process made by transferring a lithographic image to a metal plate).


In addition, this group includes the play L’amour S’amuse by Etienne Decrept (sayings in verse performed at La Scala by Mévisto & Camille Stéfani) illustrated by Ibels with five color lithographs and published by Georges Ondet in 1892 [above].

Parisian theater programs, posters, and sheet music designed by leading French artists were preserved by a limited audience of collectors and aficionados, making these fragile sheets rare in libraries and archives today. While Graphic Arts collects them for the cover, listing them by artist, they also preserve the popular music and lyrics of the period so important to the café-concert culture. A good example is [below] the sheet music for Mère moderne by V. Damiens, Saint-Gilles, and Emile Spencer, performed by Irène Henry and Blanche Fréda (with a cover by Ibels).

Particularly interesting is a series of French songs performed by Julies Mévisto (Mevisto the Elder, 1857-1918), many written by Montojay and Gaston Maquis, designed by Ibels with a Pierrot character on the cover.

Ibels’ first public success came from his 1892 poster of the popular singer Jules Mévisto, for whom he also lithographed his first sheet-music covers, published by Ondet in the early 1895. Mévisto was one of a growing number of singers who interpreted the repertoire of the Montmartre chansonnier-poètes in both the cabarets and in the more lucrative café-concerts. Mévisto had a distinctive stage personality; he dramatized the lyrics he sang with the exaggerated gestures of pantomime and affected different “voices” for the various characters in his songs. Hence, many of Ibels’ cover illustrations for Mévisto focus on the image of the singer himself rather than on the lyrics.–Gale B. Murray, “Music illustration in the circle of Bonnard,” Prints Abound, Paris in the 1890s (National Gallery of Art, 2000). Marquand Library Oversize NE649.P3 C37 2000q

Confession of a Mistake sung by Anna Thibaud (1861-1948) , words by Hector Sombre (died 1894), music by Gustave Goublier (pseudonym for Gustave Conin 1856-1926).

Titles by cover artist:
Georges Auriol, Quand Les Lilas Refleuriront.

Georges De Feure, Ménage D’artiste; and Lorsque Les Femmes Sont Jolies.

H.G. Ibels, L’amour Est Un Rêve; Ceux D’la Côte; Jean-Pierre; Retour Au Nid; La Valse Des Bas Noirs; Si Vous Le Vouliez, O Mademoiselle; Amoureuse!; Serment Trahi; Amoureux!; Aubade À La Lune; Comment On S’aime…; Cœur Meurtri; Elle, Cantique D’amour Dit Par J. Mévisto À L’horloge; Femme Honnête; La Chanson Du Macchabée; La Fin D’une Bordée; La Morgue; La Mort Du Propre À Rien; La Petite Correspondance Du Gil-Blas; La Valse Des Cotillons; L’aveu De La Faute; La Rose Et Pierrot; Restons Chez Nous; Pierrot Médecin; Pauvres Hommes, Si L’on Voulait!; Mimi, Chanson Créée Par J. Mévisto; Mes Moutons; Mère Moderne; Mensonges, Romance Répertoire Mercadier; Lettre D’amour; Lettre D’un Mari Trompé, Chanson Créée Par J. Mévisto; Les Veuves Du Luxembourg, Créée Par J. Mévisto; Les Pousse-Caillou; Les Petites Mères; Les Mal Tournés, Chanson Créée Par Mévisto; Les Malchanceux, Créée Par Mévisto; Les Culs-Terreux, Poésie De René Esse; Les Camarades; Les Bibis; Le Pitre; Le Pardon; Le 27, Poésie De René Esse; La Mort Des Gueux; La Danse Des Ventres; and La Chanson Du Rouet.

T.A. Steinlen: Chanson Des Conscrits, Créée Par Caudieux; Boul’vard Des Capucines; Au Quartier Bréda; Du Mouron Pour Les P’tits Oiseaux; A L’atelier; J’te Vas Coller Un Paing!; Et Voilà Pourquoi Madeleine…; En R’filant La Comète; Député!; L’heureux Dragon; L’aiguilleur; La Chanson De La Vie; La Toussaint Héroïque; La Râfle; La Pécheresse; Mon Homme!; Mon Tra Déri Tra; Maman, Conte Pour Noël; Lettre D’un Gréviste; Les Suiveurs; Les P’tits Martyrs!; Les Omnibus; Le Rêve De Trottin; Le Bataillon De Cythère; Le Bouton De Chemise; Les Rouleux; Quand Tu Feras Un Gosse; Regrets À Ninon; Sur L’eau; Vierge À Vendre, Monologue De Ch. Aubert; L’aveu De La Faute; La Marche De La Garde; and La Joueuse D’orgue.

A. Willette: Le Baiser; Tout Simplement…; Ohé ! Les Mœurs.. ; and Les Enfants & Les Mères.