Tag Archives: aquatint

Fifty of the Best Receipts for the Aquatinter 1801


John Hippisley Green, The Complete Aquatinter: being the whole process of etching and engraving in aquatinta: the method of using the aquafortis, with all the necessary tools: to which are added upwards of fifty of the best receipts for grounds, varnishes, &c.: collected from near a hundred that are most in use: the difficulties which may possibly occur, are point out, and the method of obviating them: the whole rendered clear and practical (London: Printed for J.H. Green, book and printseller…, 1801). Graphic Arts Collection GAX 2013- in process

This printing manual includes two plates drawn and engraved by John Hippisley Green along with his recipes (using the modern word) for soft and hard ground aquatint. The frontispiece is after a landscape engraving by Joseph Jeakes. The Princeton copy of this first edition includes various annotations and a hand written description of the soft ground process.

Green advertises his services as:

J.H. Green, having received great encouragement from the lovers and patrons of the fine arts, &c. takes the liberty to inform them, that he is now enabled to deal in a more extensive manner, in all kind of prints, ancient and modern, from the earliest period to the present day. Books, the most useful and pleasing in the English language, particularly relating to Arts and Sciences, &c. drawing materials of all kinds, as chalks, crayons, water-colours, sketch, and drawing-books, drawing-boards, portfolios, &c. &c. bought, sold, and exchanged; drawings mounted, framed, &c. Etching Wax and every requisite for engraving, aquatinting, &c. that may be depended on as the best that can be procured. Drawing taught in all its various Branches at Mr. Green’s Academy every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday after-noon. Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their residences, and schools taught on moderate terms. Drawings and designs made, portraits taken and executed in all the various methods of drawing.
