Category Archives: Events

Lorenzo Homar 1913-2004

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2013 is the centenary of the Puerto Rican artist Lorenzo Homar’s birth. In his honor, Arcadio Díaz-Quiñones will bring his Latin American Studies Seminar: Islands, Literature and History in Latin America and the Caribbean to graphic arts and we will view some of Homar’s wonderful prints, posters, and books. Here’s one we already pulled.

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Lorenzo Homar (1913-2004) and Rafael Tufiño (1922-2008), Plenas: 12 grabados de Lorenzo Homar y Rafael Tufiño. Introducción por Tomás Blanco; Diseño de Irene Delano; Dedicado a Manuel Jiménez (Canario), quien tanto hizo por dar a conocer la plena puertorriqueña y a todos los otros compositores y músicos que han cultivado este género- entre ellos Rafael Hernández, “Bum Bum”, “Jarea”, Augusto Cohén, Julio Alvarado, “Malango”, “Tripope” y muchos otros (San Juan, P.R., Editorial Caribe, 1955). Copy 540 of 850. Graphic Arts Collection GAX Oversize NE585.H66 A4 1955q

Each signed print illustrates a Puerto Rican folk song, including the melody with Spanish words.

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Remembering Dale Roylance

Friends and colleagues gathered in the Princeton University chapel on Saturday, 12 October 2013, to celebration the life and work of Dale R. Roylance, former curator of graphic art at Firestone Library. John H. Burkhalter III gave a warm welcomed and the service began with an invocation by Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Mullelly. Judith McCartin Scheide read the poem The Pulley by George Herbert (1593-1633) and a John Burkhalter read verse from scripture selected by Rosemary Blair.

Musical selections included the Prelude Scafe konnen sicher weiden (Sheep May Safely Graze) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750); Voluntary No. I by Dr. William Boyce (1711-1779); Pinkie House from Caledonian Airs set for Harpsichord by James Oswald (1710-1769); Verdi prati (Green Pastures) from Alcina by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759); Allemande from Pieces de Clavecin Book II by Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764); Voluntary No. VI “Trumpet Tune” by Dr. William Boyce. The organist was Dr. Michael J. Diorio and harpsichord was played by Dr. Minju Lee.
dale 4Remembrances were presented by Gillett G. Griffin; Nancy Finlay; Leonard L. Milberg, Class of 1953; Julie Mellby; Russell E. Marks; Catharine ‘Cass’ Macdonald whose remarks were read by Patricia H. Marks; and Jae Jennifer Rossman whose remarks were read by John Burkhalter.

William and Judith Scheide welcomed everyone to their beautiful home for a reception following the service.

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Dale Roylance Memorial


Nancy Finlay, Dale Roylance, Richard Ludwig

On Saturday, October 12, 2013, a memorial service will held in tribute to the life and work of Dale R. Roylance. The celebration begins at 2:00 p.m. in the Princeton University Chapel and all family, friends, and co-workers are invited to attend. No RSVP necessary.


Richard Ludwig and Dale Roylance at the opening of one of Dale’s many exhibitions.

Preserving the Past for Future Generations

ga room12After a long week of moving, and with much thanks to the help of dozens of staff members, the Graphic Arts Collection is finally back together in a new, temporary space on the first floor of Firestone Library. It is thrilling to have our material back in one place. The doorbell is working and we are open for business. Have a good weekend.

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The moving of the Graphic Arts Collection, September 2013.

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Wish us luck.

Welcome graphic designer Danielle Aubert


Welcome to graphic designer Danielle Aubert, who begins two years of teaching and collaboration as one of the first Fellows in the Creative and Performing Arts at Princeton University. The program provides support for early-career artists who have demonstrated both extraordinary promise and a record of achievement in their fields with the opportunity to further their work while teaching within a liberal arts context.

Aubert was an assistant professor at Wayne State University in Detroit and author of 16 Months’ Worth of Drawings in Microsoft Excel (2006, Various Project). In 2008, Aubert began designing the quarterly journal Criticism, which in 2012 was selected to be a part of the 25th Brno Biennial of Graphic Design in the Czech Republic.

In 2009, she and Lana Cavar co-founded the International Typographical Union. Together they have made a series of projects that explore paper distribution and after-market paper and presented work in various venues including the School of Art Institute of Chicago, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris and Motto in Berlin. Also in 2009, Aubert, Cavar and Natasha Chandani launched the group Placement, which edited, wrote for and designed Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies (2012, Metropolis Books), about life in Lafayette Park, part of Detroit’s Mies van der Rohe Residential District. (Architecture Library NA9127.D4 T53 2012)

Consider taking her first class: VIS 214 Graphic Design: Visual Form. This course introduces students to techniques for decoding and creating graphic messages in a variety of media, and delves into issues related to visual literacy through the hands-on making and analysis of graphic form. Graphic design relies on mastering the subtle manipulation of abstract shapes and developing sensitivity to the relationships between them.

Click here to see a video about The Center for Abandoned Letterhead, a project of the International Typographical Union (I.T.U.) with Maia Asshaq.

Images from the Mini-dome


At the New Bownde pre–conference workshop today, we were introduced to the features of omnimulti–directional lighting (mini–dome) for digitizing bindings and other relief surfaces. Thanks to the hospitality of the Folger Shakespeare Library and Andrew W. Mellon Curator of Rare Books Dr. Goran Proot, a group of bibliophiles met in Washington D.C. for this unique demonstration.

Dr. Lieve Watteeuw (Illuminare, Centre for the Study of Medieval Arts, KU Leuven, Belgium) and Dr. Hendrik Hameeuw (Ancient Near Eastern Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium) presented the innovative digital imaging tool and led a discussion of possible future uses. 260 images are made lit from 260 different angles, combined to make a 80-100 mg file uncovering amazing visual information.

A blog about their research and some of the images they have been able to capture, can be found here:


Their web viewer is freely available at this address:
Note, this viewer only works with Mozilla FireFox, and NOT with Internet Explorer. We are told some of the files we saw today will be available here soon: These are large files and downloading may take a little while.20130814_112109_resized

James Stewart is moving again

How do you get a three foot flat file through a two and a half foot door? This is one of the many challenges we are facing with the renovation of Firestone Library. Here are a few shots from this morning. Special thanks to the men of Clancy-Cullen moving company.


What is in this file drawer? See below.


James Stewart in Cowboy Hat

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